Should i cure genophage or not

The data contains information discovered from Maelon's experiments on Krogan females and is a key factor in determining Eve's fate, which will be discussed later. After some time passes after rescuing Eve from the Cerberus attack on Sur'Kesh, Mordin will propose using the Shroud on Tuchanka to dispense the cure. Once you initiate the mission, the Salarian dalatrass will tell Shepard that the Shroud was sabotaged in the past to prevent a cure from being released.

She will also offer Shepard an ultimatum. If Shepard sabotages the cure, then she will give them Salarian support and war assets in the war against the Reapers. If Shepard does not sabotage the cure, then she will not give them those assets. You will be facing Reaper enemies during the course of this mission. They primarily consist of husks, cannibals, marauders, brutes, and ravagers. It is best to have a good balance between combat, tech, and biotics-focused squadmates. The mission will open with the clan leader, Wrex or Wreav, talking about how this will be a defining moment for the Krogan.

Eve will notice that Shepard looks conflicted and ask them what's wrong. Here you have the choice to reveal the shroud sabotage and dalatrass deal. But before you can, you are interrupted and have to deal with some Reapers.

After that some krogan will be on the verge of fighting each other before Eve interrupts and gives a rousing speech to inspire the krogan. After this, the Krogan convoy heads to the Shroud. If you chose to try and reveal the shroud sabotage, then Eve will ask what you were trying to say. Here you can finally reveal the dalatrass deal uninterrupted.

It is important to note that if you wish to sabotage the cure, you should not reveal this. Eventually, the convoy will stop at a collapsed bridge, which delays your arrival. But it's too late for the turian fighter squad serving alongside you since the Reaper guarding the Shroud detects and attacks them. One crashes into the convoy, forcing Eve's car to continue on without Shepard. Here, you can make your way through an underground tomb where you can pick up some credits if you examine some of the art.

Here you will hear rumbles that come from Kalros, described by Eve as the mother of all thresher maws. Once you make your way outside to what looks like a temple, continue pressing forward where you will encounter Reaper forces as well as ravagers.

Aim for the ravager's sacks, which are their main weak points. The second wave is triggered by leaping over the gap. None of the enemies can follow you if you retreat back over the gap after triggering the wave, allowing you to kill them without risking direct combat. After the battle, if you delay overlong the Urdnot leader and the scientist salarian will comically harangue you over comms. After the second wave, go forward, around the U-turn, and up the ledges on the left.

At the same time, the krogan will be talking over the radio about a plan to hunt Kalros, but Eve will say that the Commander has enough to worry about. This is your cue to get into cover, as a third wave of Cannibals, Husks, and Ravagers will attack. You have an elevated and covered platform from which to dispense fire and steel, just be wary of Husks spawning from the left and running up your stairs.

Alternately, a circular rock big enough for all of your team for crouching cover is also available. Upon reaching the second bridge, Kalros appears and chases the convoy, damaging the bridge in the process.

Jump over the gap and go to a memorial area further up. Loitering in the promontory overlooking desolate wastelands after the gap before proceeding to the statues will elicit some remarks from your squad. As you approach the small bridge, a wave of Cannibals and Husks will attack. Remember that sending them off the edge of the platforms will result in instant deaths. After some more dialogue with the convoy, more Husks will attack along with some Marauders.

Once they are dead, you will find an SMG Scope upgrade on the left side of this area. Head down and back up the two short sets of stairs where the Marauders came from and find an Assault Rifle Extended Barrel upgrade on the left. Turn right and drop down off the edge of a series of ledges toward the dunes to trigger a cutscene.

Eve suggests using the ancient Maw Hammers to summon Kalros to the area and distract the Reaper away from the Shroud. Shepard agrees and heads out to activate the maw hammers, while your salarian scientist heads out in another direction to finalize a cure to the Genophage.

The Urdnot leader stays behind to take care of the incoming rachni horde. Clear out the two sets of Cannibals immediately following the cutscene. While you're busy, the Urdnot leader radios in to say he's taken care of things on his end, but since you're busy, he volunteers to raise the Hammers while you still must push onward to activate them yourself. When you're done go up the flight of stairs.

At the top of the stairs, pick up the M-5 Phalanx Heavy Pistol. When you attempt to cross the bridge nearby, the Reaper blasts the bridge and Shepard falls down below. As its most immediate threat, the Reaper targets you and begins firing its laser. Take cover frequently, and move up between the shots.

Alternatively, because the blasts will be aimed at the structures covering you, it is easy to just sprint into the next area. Once you reach the cover spot in the middle, the turian fighters will thankfully appear again to draw the Reaper's fire. To reach the Maw Hammer controls, Shepard must fight through a gauntlet of Brutes, while avoiding getting crushed by the Reaper. The Brutes spawn continuously until both Maw Hammers have been activated.

It's possible to simply dash through the battlefield, activating the Maw Hammers using Shepard's superior speed, and this is certainly the favored approach for infiltrators who can cloak to evade Brute aggro.

The Reaper's legs are the biggest threat: one hit will drop your shields at the very least; if the Reaper lands a second hit before your shields regenerate, it's an instant kill. Thankfully, many of the leg stabs are focused on the two catwalks leading to the maw hammers. As such, the safest approach is to run across the arena and then walk down the catwalks.

When both hammers have been activated, their combined worth successfully attracts Kalros. In stunning fashion, Kalros bests the Reaper, dragging it beneath the surface of Tuchanka's wasteland. With all opposition from the Reapers destroyed, Shepard and the salarian doctor approach the Shroud, their associates having been told to retreat to safety. However, the Shroud sustained damage in the fight against the Reaper — it is falling to pieces as Shepard approaches.

He will also report on Eve's status; in the absence of Maelon 's data, she will have died whilst Shepard handled the Reaper. All outcomes are available regardless of whether Mordin or Wiks is present, so for convenience we will refer to the character as "Mordin". At this point, Shepard may either let Mordin go or stop him to sabotage the cure per the Dalatrass's request. There are multiple outcomes to this conversation:. Given that the Salarian First Fleet 's military strength is points while the total combined military strength of Clan Urdnot and Wrex is points, with another 75 from Krogan Mercenaries , for a grand total of points, a Renegade-minded player should be aware that not curing the genophage with Wrex as leader will actually weaken your force, whereas Wreav as leader will provide a total of between the two races.

After this mission, regardless of whether the genophage was actually cured or not, Shepard receives an email from the Urdnot leader. From: Urdnot Wreav shepard. I yell. From: Urdnot Wrex Shepard: Making babies again will be fun. If yes, then blab about it all the time. The first time you try you will be interrupted, but still get Paragon points.

If you do not want to cure the Genophage, keep mum. Not revealing the sabotage will let you keep Mordin from dying, but Wrex will attack you. Curing the Genophage will result in a heroic death for Mordin. There are plenty of outcomes here. Obviously you can cure the genophage which is all nice cupcakes and rainbows but in times of war you need to do what's hard and assure multiple allies. To that end the best thing to do is to allow the sabotage. When you are in the final talk with Mordin you can try and delay him wont work or you can tell him of the sabotage.

If you stick to the 'evil' plan but don't have enough renegade or paragon points you will only have two options "I'm not stopping you" or "I will stop you".


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