Why publish articles

Reasons to publish. Why publish with Scientific Data? Credit Publishing with Scientific Data provides citable, peer-reviewed credit for created datasets. Recognition Allow the publication of valuable datasets that may not be well-suited for traditional research journals and grant recognition to those who may not qualify for authorship on traditional papers.

Reusability Standardized and detailed descriptions make research data easier to find and reuse, allowing data to be utilised in future experiments and research. Awareness Publishing a Data Descriptor will enable the data generated to be more widely available to your peers and community, as well as easily understandable and reproducible.

Accessibility Papers and any associated data are published fully open access. Peer-review Focused peer-review evaluates the technical quality and completeness of each paper and associated datasets with standards upheld by an Editorial Board of recognized experts from a broad range of fields. Expert Service Professional in-house curation ensures standardized and uniformly discoverable content.

Technology The technology and experience of the Nature Research provides powerful searching of, linking to and visualization of content. Contributing in this regard, and becoming part of history are already enough reasons to get involved in this arduous task.

The papers published in the peer-reviewed literature are a trustful source of information for clinical practice and future research. Publications can bring even more to those who engage in a scientific article. It all starts with an idea or a question that remains. The potential author should then establish a method on which will be based on all the results.

But perhaps the most interesting aspect of this stage of the process is how to get to that question. Frequently, the doubts and issues come from the intense reading of scientific articles, which involves hours of dedication to national and international well-written papers. Acquiring the habit of quality reading further increases the understanding of the reasons why we should publish. Reading articles stimulates reasoning and critical capacity, improves the understanding of future manuscripts, brings considerable consciousness and makes us think.

Reliability and ethics are important in all stages of production. With a suitable method, actual results and a discussion that combines wisdom, ability to develop hypotheses and arguments with extensive knowledge of the topic discussed, further increase the chances of acceptance of publication.

Although the initiative of publishing must come from ourselves, mentors and professors play an important role encouraging young residents and fellows with whom they work, to follow their steps. Those who publish embraces the remarkable value of studying more and staying current, enabling the researcher, under a strict medical ethics context, to offer the most validated and modern diagnostic and therapeutic options for our patients.

There are several key benefits to publishing research in journals:. As you can see, your choice of journal can make a significant difference to the impact your paper may have.

With much to consider, choosing the right journal for your research is both important and difficult. The different modules will dig further into the ideas presented here, helping you identify the journals that will maximise the potential in your paper, reach the most appropriate audiences, and enhance your career. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older.

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