Log In. Join Now Log In. Caregiving Topics Mobility Articles. Send To:. Your E-Mail:. Your Name:. Your Last Name:. Send Email Cancel. Falls are the leading cause of death, injury and hospital admissions among the elderly population. Fall Prevention Falls Mobility. Read 56 Comments. Related Articles. Recent Questions How do I properly help my aunt after a fall leaves her weakened?
What DME have you found most helpful for caregiving someone with declining lower body strength? Shoes with too big a heal, shoes that are too tight, too lose, slippers that are so tight they squash the persons toes, cause bunions and other problems. Relatives need to keep a keen eye on their seniors footwear. On a lot of occasions they were totally oblivious to seniors bad fitting footwear. Excellent point! Thanks for sharing. Seniors are at high risk for serious falls The gradual physical changes of aging add up to increased fall risk for older adults.
Print This Article. Share Article on: Facebook Twitter. Related Articles. Reply June 11, DailyCaring. Reply May 4, Eleanor. Reply August 28, Maggie. Reply August 28, DailyCaring.
Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. Lack of physical activity. Failure to exercise regularly results in poor muscle tone, decreased bone mass, loss of balance, and reduced flexibility. Parkinson's disease , Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, and arthritis, among others, can cause weakness in the extremities, poor grip strength, balance disorders, and cognitive impairment.
Even seemingly minor surgeries can leave an elderly person weak, in pain and discomfort, and less mobile than they were before the surgery. Environmental hazards. One third of all falls in the elderly population involve hazards at home; factors include poor lighting, loose carpets, and lack of safety equipment.
Reducing the risk of falling Unfortunately, once a senior has fallen, they are at greater risk of falling again. Subscribe To Our Blog. Recent Popular. Put your Comment Below.