Can i catch giardia from my puppy

Therefore frequent bathing is usually a good idea while dogs are under treatment. Infected cats need to have their litter box changed frequently. Furthermore, some pets seem to be carriers, meaning they have no clinical signs and yet consistently test positive for Giardia despite treatment. BBark: Panacur and Flagyl are serious antibiotics.

Do you find they upset an already unhappy tummy even more? Would you agree with BBark's recommendation of feeding a probiotic such as ProBloom while pup or kitty is on medication? Chris: Panacur is actually an anthelmintic a broad spectrum dewormer with antibacterial properties. We hardly ever see side effects with Panacur. Flagyl is a very commonly used first line antibiotic and we only occasionally see pets have issues when given a low dosage.

It is never a bad idea for your pet to be on a probiotic , however. It certainly can't hurt, and some pets even do well on it on a permanent basis. BBark: Is there a Giardia vaccine? Chris: Not currently. Years ago, there was briefly a vaccine available although its use was limited to outbreak situations in kennels or breeding facilities and it was not considered a good vaccine for the average pet dog.

BBark: Can I prevent my dog from getting Giardia? Chris: Not really. Dogs like to do dog things, like lay in puddles, drink disgusting water and sniff poop, which makes prevention tricky. Limiting those activities should help but any dog that spends time outside is at risk of exposure. He can be reached at info NorthSlopeVet. Gaylord, call , M-F: 9am-7pm or Sat: 9am-3pm. House calls available on request. They can survive for several weeks in the environment as cysts, and when they are ingested by an unsuspecting host, they turn into trophozoites and repeat the life cycle.

Giardia has to be ingested by your dog in order for him to get the parasite. Your dog can get Giardia by drinking water that has been contaminated by feces or by eating something that has been contaminated by feces, like grass.

Since dogs love to put things in their mouths, this means that there are plenty of ways your dog can pick up the parasite in his environment, whether it is by chewing on a stick, eating poop , or drinking from a puddle. This is worrisome, especially if you have more than one pet in your household.

While transmission from dogs to cats and cats to dogs is unlikely, the transmission from dog to dog is certainly a cause for concern. If one of your pets is diagnosed with Giardia, talk to your vet about the precautions you need to take to protect your other pets. Giardia in dogs does not always cause problems, but when it does it is highly unpleasant. Giardiasis is the term for the disease caused by the infection, and, as in humans, the most common symptom is diarrhea.

The diarrhea can be intermittent or continual, especially in puppies , and failure to diagnose and treat the disease can lead to severe weight loss and even death in extreme cases. The disease is particularly dangerous for puppies, senior dogs , and dogs with compromised immune systems. The best way to determine whether your dog has Giardia or another condition is to call your vet. However, there are several symptoms of Giardia in dogs that dog owners should be aware of. These symptoms include:.

If you notice that your dog is having diarrhea, call your vet. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, the saying goes, and this is certainly true of Giardia. The most important thing is making sure your dog has access to fresh, clean water at all times. Boiling water will kill the cysts, but remember to let it cool before offering it to your dog! The other important preventative action you can take is paying attention to general hygiene. Pick up after your dog as soon as possible.

For added precaution, steam clean any upholstery and carpeting that your pet may have contacted. Close Font Resize. Keyboard navigation. Readable Font. Choose color black white green blue red orange yellow navi. Underline links. Highlight Links. Clear cookies. Images Greyscale. Invert Colors. Remove Animations. Remove styles. Accessibility by WAH. Carina Nacewicz Dr. Geoff Kraabel Dr.


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